As stated in the notice below, due to the launch of the cashless payment service, MYple payment (money charged on your Hiroshima University ID card) will not be accepted for interlibrary loan requests (photocopy, book-lending, etc.)after May 31st 2024at Central Library,
Please use the convenient cashless payment system.
Please click here for details and payment methods for interlibrary loan (photocopy, book-lending, etc.).
22/04/2024【Central・West】cashless payment is now available.
At Central Library and West Library payments made at the circulation counter such as for copies, etc. can now be completed with credit cards, IC cards, smartphone payment, and other cashless payment methods.
New major payment methods accepted:
・IC Card (Rakuten Edy, WAON, nanaco, IC cards for transport such as pasmo/suica/etc. ,QUICPay, iD)
・Smartphone payment(PayPay, dpay, Rakuten Pay, auPAY, Merpay, Yucho Pay, etc.)
・Debit Card(J-Debit)
Acceptance time for cashless payment:
【Central Library】
Weekday 8:45 ~ 15 minutes before closing
Weekends and Holidays 10:00 ~ 15 minutes before closing
※MYple(money charged on your Hiroshima University ID card) is accepted 10:30~ 15 minutes before closing
【West Library】
Weekdays 8:45~ 15 minutes before closing
Please keep in mind:
・Cashless payment may not be available for some services, depending on what organization is handling the order.
・You cannot use more than one payment method.
・Cash payment is accepted on weekdays from 8:45-16:30 (excluding Central Library’s limited service days, usually the 3rd Thursday of every month).
・After May 31st 2024 at Central Library,MYple payment (money charged on your Hiroshima University ID card) will not be accepted for interlibrary loan requests (photocopy, book-lending, etc.).